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  • Vision & Values

    Our school vision, 'Believe and Achieve' is central to everything we do and we are really proud of the 'family atmosphere' that we have cultivated in which everybody is given the opportunity to flourish and to actively make a difference in the world. We believe and, therefore, we achieve great things for ourselves and for others in our community! Through our Vision and Values, we aim to transform our own lives and the lives of everybody within the school - and beyond!

    ‘I will show you my faith by my deeds.’ James 2: 18

    Our vision and values are underpinned by three core Christian values that we teach throughout the year. 

    Love - At St James, we strive to demonstrate God’s love in the way that we care for and serve one another and in the way that we practice forgiveness and reconciliation.  We show love through our words and our actions.

    Hope - At St James we aspire to be the best we can be and we are ambitious for our whole community. We regularly give children the chance to talk about ways to challenge injustice and inequality and we try to bring hope to others through everything we say and do. We regularly explore the idea that God has a plan for our lives to give us ‘hope and a future’.

    Truth – At St James we always aim to act with integrity.  We are sincere and genuine in our interactions with everyone within our school community and we approach all we do with a spirit of honesty and openness.