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  • Wraparound Care

    We are able to offer full wraparound care for all children at St James'. The extended school offer utilises the Cottage Building and provides the children with a friendly, inclusive environment with a wide range of planned activities. 

    Breakfast Club

    Breakfast club is available to all children from 2 years of age. They will be able to start their day with a healthy breakfast of cereal, toast or fruit. The breakfast club runs from 7:45 am – 8:30 am and the children have full use of the Cottage facilities during this time.  If your child attends school, a member of our team will accompany them to the first school by 8:30 am.

    Breakfast Club Rate: £4.50

    After-School Club

    Our after-school club service is open to children from 3-9 years from 3 – 6 pm. If your child attends St James First school, they are collected directly from the first school and escorted to the cottage by a member of staff, all children are offered a healthy snack and drink. 

    After-School Club Rate: £5 per hour