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  • PFA

    Welcome to the Parents and Friends Association of St James First School. We are a group of supportive parents, carers, relatives and friends who organise fundraising and social events for the benefit of pupils and parents. Raising vital funds for the school and strengthening our community. The PFA is a member's association, and all parents and carers are automatically part of it. Everyone is encouraged to get involved, whether it's a little or a lot! Recently we have funded:

    • A class set of ipads
    • A new School Library
    • Playground Markings
    • Class Wish Lists

    We are currently raising funds to enrich children's outdoor playtimes and to continue Class Wish Lists supporting teachers with "above and beyond” resources that enhance our children’s learning.

    We are always keen to gather new ideas in collaboration with our community of parents, staff and children - join us at our next meeting, talk to your class rep and/or email us on

    Major events in the PFA calendar include:

    • Christmas Fair 
    • School Disco 
    • Summer Social 

    As an independent organisation and charity (no. 1003759) a small number of us oversee the official admin and voting etc. We are:

    PFA Committee

    Jade Roberts - Committee member
    Kathryn Earl - Committee member
    Alice Jankovec - PFA Treasurer 
    Lia Jenkins - PFA Chair
    Laura Perry - PFA Secretary
    Bini Thornton - Trustee

    PFA Class Representatives

    Anna Swift - Owls 
    Zoe Coles - Squirrels 
    Caroline Harrison - Hedgehogs 
    Sarah Cooper - Foxes
    Natasha Jade Livanis - Nursery  

    Please do say hello and get involved, all very much welcome.

    • Parents and Friends Association of St James First School is a registered charity number: 1003759 .
    • We are members of Parent Kind a national association that supports the running of the PFA.
    • PFA spends in accordance with our charitable objectives in our constitution and following Parent Kind best practice.


    Donate to the PFA by clicking on these links to donate £3 or £6, or email us for more info.