A warm welcome from all the school governors. Our school is inclusive and all the staff work together to provide a wide variety of opportunities for all children in a safe and stimulating environment.
The school is well supported by its governing body, comprised of parents, staff and members of the local community. Governors are critical friends who offer support and advice whilst being involved in the wider life of the school. Governors support the strategic direction of the school, hold leaders to account for the performance of the school and make sure the school operates safely.
Mr Cliff Beard
Chair of Governors
DSAT Scheme of Delegation
We are members of the Diocese of Salisbury Academy Trust and the governance of the Trust belongs to the main DSAT Board. Our Scheme of Delegation also includes our Constitution and Terms of Reference. Paper copies can be obtained through the school office or by using the contact us option on this website. You can find details of the Trust Board and details of our Trust Governance by visiting the Trustees page,
The Clerk to the Governing Body is Miss Sarah Forwood and can be contacted by e-mailing prioryclerk@dsat.org.uk A copy of ASEC meeting minutes can be made available by request from the clerk.